So….I’ve been floundering around for awhile trying to figure out what my online presence was going to look like. I have wanted to get back to some of the things I enjoyed the most from my days at The Geekiverse. I have always loved writing reviews of books, comics, movies and tv shows. By just returning to a small personal blog, I can do that with very little pressure. I can even write about anything I want. Don’t have to stick to pop culture. When I have thoughts, I can write them. I don’t have to commit to a large volume of content with specific release dates.

The truth is, I have a lot of different things going on, or in development, and I hope to roll out some ofBuffalo Bills Themed Dressing Screen that stuff before the end of this summer. We closed up our retail co-op store because it forced us to work on lots of smaller, low priced products in order to fill shelves, but we weren’t making any money. We are hopefully back to working on bigger products that can make us more money.

I’ll be setting up a small online store – probably Etsy (stay tuned) so that I can sell products with some of my design work on it. Hopefully, that will be available for the Christmas season. I have piles of sketches that I want to turn into things – cards, apparel, cornhole board skins, stickers etc. Just some fun stuff that wanders around in my brain.

One Eyed Pirate Puppy, QuinnI’ve spent the last week and a half “fostering” a one-eyed pirate puppy. The poor thing was injured very early in her life and is about to have a damaged eye removed, after we get her up to weight so that she can have surgery. I feel like I am an expert at “getting up to weight”. Puppies are a lot of work. Got to keep on eye on them as she is being trained to use the outdoor potty place, not the dining room rug. I can’t really leave her alone a lot, so I have been working on the computer (so I can get up and run and scoop her up in case of potty emergency…. can’t do that when working on a table saw). I’ve outlined two large scale writing projects.

10 Things book coverThe first is a sequel to my book “10 Things We Should Teach You In High School And Usually Don’t”. It’s more of a shopping list of skills that parents should help develop in their kids from home to help make them more successful in school and life. No idea when it will be published, it is outline form right now, but look for ongoing blog posts about the concepts in the book. I also have been working on a fiction project here and there since 2018, that is a little closer to fruition. It will be featured right here on a subdomain all of it’s own. Stay tuned on that, as well.

I hope that some of this has interested you enough to make you want to follow along. All of these projects will have their own social media attached to them, but if you are interested you can most certainly find the information on my personal Facebook and Instagram accounts, as well as The Creative Buffalo’s Facebook and Instagram accounts. Thanks for sticking with me all these years. I look forward to sharing thoughts with you.

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