Welcome to The Creative Buffalo. This website is a showcase for the many projects that The Creative Buffalo has done in the past or is working on currently. The website is currently under construction and will be fully functional soon.
Please visit us on Facebook or Instagram in the meantime. You can also e-mail us at pherr@thecreativebuffalo.com
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Latest News and Reviews
Doug Brode’s High Tech Sci-Fi Thriller “Shelli” Has Me Hoping For More
A few weeks ago I read an article in Popular Mechanics about Ray Kurzweil, a computer scientist/futurist who predicted that “Singularity”, the point where humans
George Friedman’s “The Storm Before the Calm” Predicts Hope for America
10ish years ago I was walking through a bookstore somewhere, and I came across George Friedman’s “The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st
Eliot Peper’s “Foundry” Thrills
I’ve been reading Eliot Peper’s books since 2016 when I picked up “Cumulus”. I often compare Peper’s style to that of Michael Crichton, master of
I’m Back
So….I’ve been floundering around for awhile trying to figure out what my online presence was going to look like. I have wanted to get back